Buckle in, Setting Enthusiasts!

Theme 5’s Page Banner Settings, hailed as one of the best and most well-loved features of the theme, offer you a powerful and versatile tool designed to captivate your audience from the moment they land on your page. Elevate your website’s visual appeal with a range of image-rich options and customizable text overlays that will leave a lasting impression on your visitors.

Featured Image

In the dynamic world of web content creation, where visual appeal plays a crucial role, the significance of a WordPress featured image cannot be overstated. Beyond its role as a mere eye-catching element, the featured image serves as a rich source of information for search engines, social media platforms, and other content aggregators.

Whether you choose Smart Slider or Video you should also add a Featured Image to back them up in the sharing department.

Smart Slider

Send your visitors on a image based expedition. Build out elaborate slide shows with panning & zooming, video slides, text animations, and more with Smart Slider.

Once you are done crafting your masterpiece in Smart Slider simply select the slider you wish to feature in the banner settings.

Background Video

Why settle for a boring webpage when you can embark on a digital adventure? Add drama and stunning visual interest to your page with a background video.

On mobile, it transforms seamlessly, showing off your Featured Image instead of the video. Google will be high-fiving your website for its mobile-friendly finesse, and users with slower bandwidth will appreciate the smooth ride.

Host your video on YouTube, Vimeo, or you own Media Library.

No Banner

Sometimes less is more. Choose the ‘No Banner’ option for an understated brilliance that lets your content shine without distraction.

Even our ‘No Banner’ option has settings. You can align the Page Title – left, right, center or even hide the Page Title entirely

Banner Settings

Unleash the power of your pages with our Banner Settings – the ultimate toolkit for crafting a digital experience that speaks volumes even before your visitors scroll an inch. Admins will be impressed by the easy-to-use settings located in the right-hand page panel inside the Gutenberg page editor.
  • Banner Heading (H1)

    Overwrite the page title text with a custom banner title.

  • Banner SubHeading (H2)

    Build out elaborate slide shows with panning, zooming, video slides, text animations, and more with Smart Slider, then drop them into the page with the banner settings

  • Button

    Add a Call-to-Action above the fold.

  • Banner Gradient Opacity

    Define how dark or light the gradient is between the image and banner text.

  • Banner Height

    By default the banner image displays at 100% of the screen size, you can reduce the percentage to make a shorter banner.

  • Banner Logo

    Add a logo above the Banner Heading, displaying on top of the background image or video.

  • Featured Image Background Position

    The theme is built to be responsive, so it looks good on all screen sizes. The banner image is cropped down as the screen get smaller. Depending on focal point of your image, you may want to scale down to the center, left or right side of the image.

  • No Banner Page Title

    Align or hide the page title as needed.